Castle Rock Union Elementary Board of Trustee Information

Meet our Board of Trustees:

Pinky Hines- President

Stacy Laub- Clerk

Jim Heilman- Trustee

Susan Jones- Trustee

Jennifer Roberts- Trustee

Board Meeting Schedule

3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:30 pm

Board Meeting Agendas

Board Notices

District Advisory Council (DAC) Information

The District Advisory Council involves parents, staff, and students in the planning, development and evaluation of Title I and State Compensatory Education (SCE) programs and services in the district.  DACs are required to certify that the LEAs Consolidated Application for specified categorical funds, including, but not limited to school-based coordinated categorical programs, compensatory education programs, and EIA programs, was developed with review and advice from the committee. Our DAC also serves as our district's LCAP Committee, which annually develops and/or revises the districts LCAP. All parents, staff, and community members are highly encouraged to attend our DAC/LCAP Meetings.

District Advisory Council Meeting Dates:

3rd Tuesday of the Month Beginning January 2025. See Flyer for more information.

LCAP Meeting Dates

District Advisory Council Meeting Agendas